Free: 100 Heirloom California Wonder Bell Pepper Vegetable Garden Plant Seeds *Free Recipe Included! - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 100 Heirloom California Wonder Bell Pepper Vegetable Garden Plant Seeds *Free Recipe Included!

100 Heirloom California Wonder Bell Pepper Vegetable Garden Plant Seeds *Free Recipe Included!
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The listing, 100 Heirloom California Wonder Bell Pepper Vegetable Garden Plant Seeds *Free Recipe Included! has ended.

100 California Wonder Bell Pepper Seeds!
*Heirloom Plants

Item ships within US FREE via USPS. ETA 2 - 3 days

I will ship internationally but, buyer pays shipping.

*Please contact me first to calculate shipping fees to your country. Buyer to pay international shipping via Check with your customs agencies regarding horticultural import laws.

75 days — The plants are upright, strong, and produce four or five fruits that are mostly four-lobed, blocky, and 4 by 4½ inches with thick flesh that is mild and sweet.

These seeds are slow germinators.. Give them more time than most other vegetable plants seeds.

A good feeding of manure tea each week.. Plants can live up to two years! Great for containers too.

Pinch off a few flowers at first as so, the plant doesn't over produce. You'll have larger peppers if you grow about 6-8 at a time on each plant rather than over whelming the plants.

*Be sure to save seeds from the bell peppers because, these are heirloom plants.

*Peppers are harvested when they are still green, but when left to mature on the plant for a longer length of time, Peppers will turn lovely shades of red, yellow or even purple.

Plants can grow throughout the year if you reside in warmer climate regions as like southern California. Pretty to use as edible landscaping too! Plant a row instead of hedge!

Companion planting: Bell peppers shouldn't be grown in the company of plants like kohlrabi, fennel, beans and members of the Brassica family, like cabbage and broccoli. These plants tend to compete with peppers for soil nutrition. Apricot trees can be harmed if bell peppers are grown close to them. The pepper plant is perennially vulnerable to a typical type of fungus. Although, this fungus doesn't cause too much damage to the pepper, it can cause rotting in the apricot tree.

Easy to freeze! Cut, place on baking pan, freeze then place in freezer bag.

*Items Ship on Wednesdays.

Thank You,
Questions & Comments
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I'm hoping I don't get outbid too much cause this would make an awesome Easter/Mother's day gift for my mother, she's wanting to plant a bunch of different heirloom veggies since they are said to be a little more resistant to disease and weather and produce more.
Apr 9th, 2011 at 2:42:21 PM PDT by
Almost all of my vegetables grown are heirloom except for my sweet corn. Hybred corn seed is way more disease intollerant than heirloom corn. Corn is open pollinated and I've had bad luck with heirloom corn mixing with my neighbours variety.
Apr 11th, 2011 at 11:14:48 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
what is tea manure I won an auction in fact 2 from a lady who told me about that but she said you told her about it
Apr 11th, 2011 at 10:06:05 PM PDT by
Manure tea is easier and cheaper than keeping a compst pile or buying plant food. Just take a bucket or I use a trash can. Put a couple of shovel full of manure ( you can also use store bought manure) then fill with water. Stir it by bringing the sediment from the bottom to the top so that it hits the air. It will smell for a day but, after that.. there's really no smell. Whenever you want to feed your veggie plants.. just stir and scoop some out to water your plants. You'll see larger and more healthier plants.

Here's a video link to learn more about manure tea.. rather compost tea.

I actually use my bell pepper and other veggie plants as edible landscape. Instead of planting head along a fence line.. I use bell pepper plants instead. Like like full sun. I'm in southern California and so, bell pepper and tomato grow all year long here. If you give them a bit of fertilizer particularly manure tea.. your plants will last two years or so. They don't mind container planting either. If you plant them in a container .. you can also plant the holy trinity as like plant a bell pepper, tomato plant and basil all together. They like that.

Pepper take a bit longer to germinate than tomato or other vegetable plants.. so be patiend. I just use an old squar plastic storeage container that I've place a few holes in for drainage. No special soil is needed. My soil is sandy and they don't mind it at all. Keep the soil moist but not saturated.
Apr 11th, 2011 at 11:09:54 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
thank you so very much
Apr 12th, 2011 at 12:42:49 AM PDT by

100 Heirloom California Wonder Bell Pepper Vegetable Garden Plant Seeds *Free Recipe Included! is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category