The listing, Starting w/ 50 Box Tops for Education & 31points 4 labels 4 education has ended.
This auction is for 50 Box Tops for education and 31 labels for education, but if there are bids and as they go up i will keep adding to the amount. Comment that you fanned me and i will fan back. Here are the dates on the 1st 50 btfe.
2- 6/1/15
Thank you for checking out my auction!! Have fun bidding so i can have fun adding and ransacking the house for labels lol. Have a beautiful blessed week!!
No Bids? Is it the starting Bid? I only charge so much because i do ship with tracking, and as most of you know my starting bid does not even cover all of that. I want to keep adding!! I will add something for every 5 watcher, every 5 fans, and def every 5 twitter flowers!
Please comment if u fan or follow me so I will know!