I did, but that does not tell me where you will be mailing them from, nor if the shoes you're auctioning are wide . That's ok, I just wanted to know, in case I could've bid on them. I usually don't bid on stuff that are from like NY, MO, etc. is why I'm asking, but never mind I guess.
Yes, but you've yet to answer any of my questions. I just answered yours. Anyway, I'll just keep looking I guess, I just kinda liked the look of the shoes is all. :(
Yes, thank you. Man, sure wish they were wide width, I was sure going to bid GIN if they were . :( Oh well, thanks for your time, and if you have any more that are wide, pleas send me a message, k ? Thanks, and you have a Merry Christmas daGreenBoy ! :-)
For people that have wide big feet. LOL When you buy, look for it to say either wide- has a '' W'' next to the size - or if it says like '' D'' - or '' EE'' or '' E'' . What I'm needing is a man's 12 1/2 - to 13 Wide.
Since December 23rd 2014 things have changed. On label is 12/13. But it's not the right info on the size! Whenever you are seeing now was updated before new year.