Just a little trick for you to try. Instead of going and buying a battery take a 4 VOLT wall mouse, ( power cord adapter), and cut the end off the cord and then if you have a small volt tester check for which wire is positive. Usually the one with white stripe down it. Then take the battery in it and touch the positive to positive side of battery and negitive to negitive several short times until battery is warm to touch. Check with tester again and keep doing this until battery ends up in the green good section of tester. Stick in watch and see if this did the trick. If it doesn't then the watch has probably lost the little cylinder thing inside. They go bad more times then you might think. I can send you a photo with what I am talking about if I haven't explained it good enough to understand? Just send me your email address via contact RAZMATAZ to keep it hidden from view here. This works really well for short term testing on watch. Most of the time the battery will not stay charge for more then a couple of days but it gives you the info you need so you don't sell a non-working watch. I recharge my standard flashlight batterys this way two. Raz