Well seeing that this poster is for a movie that hasn't come out in theaters, my sense of deduction tells me that you have posters for movies that haven't come out yet. But, do you have any of these? If so I would BBIIDD!! Iron Man 2 (good movie) Moon (VERY good movie) Eclipse (as a gift for my sister) The Last Airbender (hope it will be good) Predators (Hope it will be really good) I doubt you have any posters for movies months in advance, so that was it. I don't mind the size of them. If you don't have any of them, can you tell me which ones you have?
I can put in a request for posters for the full size-huge movie theater size-posters for the upcoming movies. They are massive & expensive to ship. They will all be used and not available until after the movies are running because they are used by the theaters.
There were no mini posters for Iron Man 2 (OK movie) There wasn't one for Moon either (Good Movie) especially since it wasn't mainstream. The other movies it's too early but if I get them or other promo material I will email you. I have been waiting for The Last Airbender. I saw the new 3D trailer last week it looks good but then so many movies look good and are disappointing. I'm a Predator fan so if there is something, I will notice it. Eclipse I will look for. If either your sister or mother saw Letters to Juliette, I have unused PR postcards. I will save your ID and let you know what comes in. :)