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Member since Oct 21, 2012
Last login Nov 17, 2021
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Total listings: 888
Total listings completed: 872
Total listings w/ winner: 850
Feedback received: 1,345
Positive feedback: 1,329
Negative feedback: 5
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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5 Yards of Plastic Craft Lacing for Jewelry (view item)
5 Yards of Plastic Craft Lacing for Jewelry (view item)
Well Loved Unlocked 3G AT&T Quickfire Slider Workhorse of a Cell Phone (view item)
5 Yards of Plastic Craft Lacing for Jewelry (view item)
positive feedback for
on Apr 30th, 2014 at 10:35 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
5 Yards of Plastic Craft Lacing for Jewelry (view item)