Already Fanned & Watching #1!!! ~~~WATCHERS AUCTION~~~ (My Very First Watchers Auction!!) ~~~Seeds A Plenty Watchers Auction~~~ This is a watchers auction... I was only trying to reach my 60 Watchers Badge but it has become much more of a goal for me now... I started out listing a set of seeds... It has grown from 1 set of seeds to 6 sets of seeds & 2 live plants so far... MUCH THANKS to all my Watchers I have surpassed the 60, 100, 150, 210 & 280 Watchers Badges!! The more Watchers I receive watching this auction the more I add... I keep the description updated & also add pictures as I add to the auction...
For those of you Who Fan & Watch my auction I will be glad to return the favor by fanning & watching yours as well... Thank You in advance for those whom watch & those whom bid as well... The winner will very happy with the huge shipment they will be receiving shortly after the auction is over... ALL Watchers Please Remember to watch ALL Watchers Auctions all the way till the end or the Listian does not get credit for you watching...