Very pretty!! Your killing me! I'm supposed to be saving up for a gift ( late of course) for Sierra's graduation next week, or early birthday in August! Lol! I guess once again I'll get her something and won't get my Coach! Argh! But I gotta do what I gotta do, right? Lol! Love ya!! :)
Would this be a good gift? I did order 2 coach purses. Not sure if I will sell them oe keep them. I lose money big time on my coach. If its was just a little I would be ok but not half :( I will email u if I list it
She would actually love it but her fingers all run about a size larger than mine. Too bad too, it would match exactly a necklace she managed to talk me into giving to her! Lol! :)
Thank you sweetheart, its a very elegant ring. I love photographing jewelry. Some people think they are stock but I photograph everything. You can always tell by the photo if I'm not feeling well. Lol