Free: 925 sterling silver tiffany & co. necklace - Other Jewelry & Watch Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 925 sterling silver tiffany & co. necklace

925 sterling silver tiffany & co. necklace
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The listing, 925 sterling silver tiffany & co. necklace has ended.

925 marked sterling silver Tiffany & co. lock necklace. chain is 14 in. long ans is marked 925 on one side and Tiffany & co. on other. Pendent is small 1/4 in. wide. Marked T & co. and 925 on bottom, Lock says T & co. 1837 on front. Sorry about bad pics. My dog chewed up my digital camera and all I had was the web cam. There is a small scratch on back not noticeable unless you look real close. I do believe it is a real tiffany & co. I found the exact some one for $100 online. Chain and pendent are marked. That is all the information I have. Thanks for looking!
Questions & Comments
Sorry lock says T &co. 1837.
Oct 28th, 2010 at 12:17:27 PM PDT by
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so is there a key or is the lock just the pendant?
Oct 28th, 2010 at 8:44:46 PM PDT by
There is no key, this is the ways it came. just the lock.
Oct 29th, 2010 at 4:10:30 AM PDT by
would you consider mailing to Canada? Its not too expensive if it can fit in a letter size envalope..?? I LOVE this!
Oct 29th, 2010 at 11:02:43 PM PDT by
Yeah I can do that! I have a sister who live in Ontario and no for something this size its not to expensive. Only like a quarter or so more!! So yes I will!!
Oct 30th, 2010 at 6:36:43 AM PDT by
I am a avid tiffany collector and this is not authentic as the clasp is not the ones tiffany use. I found this exact necklace on ebay and there is many differences between your's and the authentic one the clasp being one plus it is also suppost to say tiffany & co on the very bottom of clasp. If you go to ebay and type in this number in the search results you will be able to see the differences yourself.
It is a cute necklace though and hey who is going to know right lol!
Nov 3rd, 2010 at 9:01:49 PM PDT by
it may not be. this was given to me so I really cant say for sure. The bottom of the lock says T & co.925. and the clasp says Tiffany and co. So the bottom is marked. So I dont know.
Nov 4th, 2010 at 3:15:22 AM PDT by
OOPS it is suppost to say tiffany & co on the very bottom of lock I accidently said clasp I ment lock though.
Nov 3rd, 2010 at 9:02:33 PM PDT by
I looked it up through tiffany & co. and still found the same one for $100. I just did it again. Its a mini. The last pic on here is bad too, but it is from the company.
Nov 4th, 2010 at 3:53:58 AM PDT by

925 sterling silver tiffany & co. necklace is in the Jewelry & Watches | Other Jewelry & Watch Items category