Free: Desert willow Chilopsis linearis 10 Seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Desert willow Chilopsis linearis 10 Seeds

Desert willow Chilopsis linearis 10 Seeds
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The listing, Desert willow Chilopsis linearis 10 Seeds has ended.

Desert willow Chilopsis linearis trees native to southwest U.S. and northern Mexico, at elevations of up to 5,000 feet, as a small, deciduous tree with narrow, bright green leaves and colorful, pink trumpet shaped flowers. During the cold season, desert willow will shed its leaves for up to six months. In summer, few trees can rival the beauty of flowering desert willow. Flower colors range from white to purple, although a pale pink or a lavender flower color is common. This drought-tolerant, hardy tree performs well in southern Arizona, but it is not actually a true willow tree. It belongs to a family of blooming plants that includes pink and red trumpet vine.
Plant desert willow tree in full sun or partial shade. It will tolerate various soil conditions but does best in soil that drains well. For the first year, water desert willow tree deeply every five to seven days. Water established desert willow trees every two weeks in the summer and every month in the winter. Prune in spring just as leaves emerge to remove winter damage. To maintain a single trunk, prune only the lowest limbs every spring until the tree is as tall as you want it. Most desert willow trees produce seedpods that may be safely removed anytime. Desert willow tree is not susceptible to pests or diseases.
Questions & Comments
would this tree do well in northern states like in new Hampshire us
Jun 13th, 2013 at 8:31:57 PM PDT by
Original says it's natural range is in the southwest. But it grows up to 1500ft elevation. I think it would be very slow growing in NE and not handle freezes well.
Jun 14th, 2013 at 9:44:09 AM PDT by

Desert willow Chilopsis linearis 10 Seeds is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category