The listing, Mrs Doutfire - DVD has ended.
After a bitter divorce, an actor disguises himself as a female housekeeper to spend secret time with his children held in custody by his ex.
PLeAsE ReAd ThE FoLLowInG BeFoRe BiDDiNg:
- I offer FIVE (5) days to have Winning Shipping address confirmed with Listia before item gets cancelled and put back up for Auction. ( This means, if and address is NOT provided in that amount of time, Listia will be contacted to CANCEL the Auction, as opposed to taking the credits and relisting. )
- Please do NOT request a longer or shorter Auction time frame. All my Auctions are set to what will work best for me.
- I can only offer Shipment using a simple standard, thick envelope sent out from my mailbox. ( When an Auction ends, I get packages sent out as soon as I receive a Shipping Address ) None of the items I offer come with boxes, bags, cases or etc. I apologize for the inconvenience.
- Please do NOT request a different form of Shipment, even if you're able to provide the payment for it. I'm currently unable to utilize PayPal as funds to and from the account take to long in transaction.
- All items listed are in New ( Never been used ) , Nearly new ( Used 1-3 times ), or excellent ( Used more then 3 times ) condition.
IF YoU HaVe AnY QuEsTIoNs, PLeAsE MeSsAgE, I wiLL gET bAcK To YoU ASAP.
ThAnKs fOr UnDeRsTaNdiNg aNd HaPpY BiDDiNg!!