Sweet u figured it out, I see as soon as you did someone jumped on the bid....I heeelllllaa heeelllaa games...too many for one man to be owning and i think i just added 6 more off ryan....what kind you like? whatcha want to trade....i gonna get this one the of fashion way...let me know, I am always down to trade, and i collect all platforms and have the systems too
really if i was you i would delete this auction before you get a bid, and set it up right, even a new listian would have more watcher on this, 2? and i am one and i just got here..10 bucks scares em off
hey i see you are having problem making an edit, I cant see any reason why you would be able to, even if you had bids i think shipping still can be changed. I am watching, i need this one, I was going say i would trade ya if u wanted that baseball game you just bib on, heck i give u a stack of base ball games for black ops anytime...let me know if need help, maybe i can talk u through the edit/update