Free: Mystery Christmas Stocking (Girl) - Other Toys & Hobbies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Mystery Christmas Stocking (Girl)

Mystery Christmas Stocking (Girl)
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The listing, Mystery Christmas Stocking (Girl) has ended.

Are you worried about providing Christmas for you little girl this year? Well here is your chance to make her eyes light up and shine like Roudolph's nose. This giant stocking comes with all the items you see in the picrures plus lots more. The higher the bid the better the added items will be, As a bonus the winner gets to choose the age of the child so the surprise items will fit her age and her interests! If you want to win this auction bid early and bid high to get your Christmas shopping finished in one try!
Good Luck!
I will ship this free if the bid goes over 3000 credits!
Questions & Comments
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just wondering if you would consider free shipping? im trying to win Christmas presents here on listia for 10 kids (8 girls, 2 boys). my nieces and nephews parents are having it really rough this year and of course its gonna be the kids christmas morning that suffers. i cant financially afford to help which is why im using listia (i have 2 little girls myself) if not thats ok how much would shipping be to 35581 and maybe i can figure out something. thanks a bunch
Nov 2nd, 2010 at 2:04:49 PM PDT by
What a wonderful thing for you to do in helping your family. We are all feeling the crunch this year and that is why I am listing free items on listia. I am not able to determine the postage at this time because it all depends on the number of items that I add.
I, too am facing hard times. I have 5 children still at home; 3 seniors (2 girls and a boy), a 10th grade daughter and a seventh grade son. All adopted. My birth children are grown so I am a Mom, a Grandmother and a Great-Grandmother!
I will do all that I can to help if you win but to be honest the free shipping on items that I buy just to give away is starting to limit what I can list.
I just picked up a new Barbie Doll to add to this stocking!
Nov 2nd, 2010 at 9:12:34 PM PDT by
Shipping will be determined by the amount of items that are added. I have ordered flat rate boxes but they have not arrived yet. I have never used them and am not sure how it works or how to figure the postage. IF my auction goes high enough I will pay at least half of the shipping. Each time the bidding increases by 1000 I will add another item. The higher it goes the better the items will be that I addd. The first add on will be a Barbie Doll.
Nov 5th, 2010 at 10:44:31 PM PDT by
Remember that shipping will be free if the credits go over 3000.
Nov 8th, 2010 at 10:01:44 PM PST by
noone is bidding but im interested so do u get all thats in the picture and some more mystery iteams i wont be able to spend much on my granddaughter this would be great
Nov 10th, 2010 at 9:32:39 AM PST by
I will make the stocking for any age child. All the items shown in the picture are up for grabs. I will add additional things as the credits increase. The higher the bids the more items will be added. I love shopping for little girls of all ages. All items will be NEW and not just dollar store junk. I am doing this to help someone who needs help provide Christmas for a child. Good Lucxk!
Nov 11th, 2010 at 6:29:22 AM PST by
Good Luck, I hope you win!
Nov 11th, 2010 at 11:12:06 AM PST by
The post office is closed today so I could not find out the postage. It will be shipped in a flat rate priority medium box. I have not used this type shiping before so I am not sure how it works. I will let you know tomorrow. Does anyone out there have the answer to the flat rate shipping charges?
Nov 11th, 2010 at 1:05:38 PM PST by
I prefer PayPal but will take a money order. If you win I will add items for a 15 mo. girl. I know that a lot of people are having a very hard time this year and this is my way of helping out.
Good Luck,
Nov 11th, 2010 at 2:22:33 PM PST by

Mystery Christmas Stocking (Girl) is in the Toys & Hobbies | Other Toys & Hobbies category