Seller: If you have alot of items to auction off and don't know what they are, do yourself a favor and try here or on eBay, and get yourself a copy of a Depression book. That way you can get an idea of the value (they list values in the right books), and know if you need to put a starting bid on them. Hope this helps you. The book will help immensely. It would have told you what I did about this auction; that it is milk glass and the style is hobnail. It is glass by the way, not ceramic. You need to know these types of things to sell those items properly and to get you the most credits.
To the lady having problems bidding. Just because it shows 4,540 at this time, does not mean that is the highest this person has bid. It is only the highest point that anyone has bid against her, make sense? If an item is at say 2,000 and you want to make certain you get it, you overbid what the bid shows and say bid 3,500 pts to make certain no one overbids you if it's close enough to the end of the auction. Did I help you? Like right now there's less than 2 hours left, I'd bid 6,000 pts to make certain I get it. Okay?
pamla Krieger @ facebook from wasco I have other items you might enjoy I haven't put them on here yet.they are also hobnail. whats your facebook profile again I will send you a request
Thank you for the information,i had no clue as what it was called i also have a few flower vases that are white hobnail i will be listing on here if i can get the photo uploader to work.
Today i went to my storage and brought home 3 flower vases that match the design.of the pitcher the largest of the 3 is 9 1/2 inches they are all 3 milk glass and i believe would make a beautiful set... i sent you a text message ... with a photo to the number you provided me with... let me know what you think