Free: July 4th IndependenceDay Nail Lacquer Set of 4~Flag Red White & Blue+sparkle * Sation * toluene-free - Other Health & Beauty Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: July 4th IndependenceDay Nail Lacquer Set of 4~Flag Red White & Blue+sparkle * Sation * toluene-free

July 4th IndependenceDay Nail Lacquer Set of 4~Flag Red White & Blue+sparkle * Sation * toluene-free
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The listing, July 4th IndependenceDay Nail Lacquer Set of 4~Flag Red White & Blue+sparkle * Sation * toluene-free has ended.

"Long May She Wave!" ;}

Red, White, & Blue nail lacquers~!

plus, did someone say Sparklers??

You get FOUR bottles of super high quality nail lacquer (nail polish) for Free in time to Celebrate! How Fun! I'll mail them the same afternoon the auction ends, so you'll be able to do your flags & sparkle stars or different colored nails, for Two holiday weekends! Fun!!

****Sation nail lacquers are Formaldehyde free & Toluene free!! for healthier happier nails!!

This Sation nail polish free from harsh chemicals is $6 a bottle, so you're getting $20 worth of nailpolish with the whole set~!! The starting bid is to cover my shipping~ thanks for understanding! :}

These are Awesome colours, in full size SATION:

*** True Red ***

*** Midnight Blue ***

*** Holiday Spirit *** (a red pink silver & blue superfine glitter mix in clear glaze topcoat. so versatile!)


*** Opaque Satin White *** brand new Sally brand '3/4size' bottle

All Perfect Patriotic Colors, a true American flair!

Awesome!! let your sassy nails show you're Proud to be American!

Happy holiday, & Happy Bidding!

(sorry for the Other glitter bottle in the fourth pic, i was gonna do the auction with that one, but it was a bit thick when i checked it, so.. instead, Another high quality SATION bottle replaced it, for Free~! WOW! :}}) <3~! Anyhooo~ Happy Celebrating!!
Questions & Comments
Pictures please?
Jun 23rd, 2013 at 4:53:28 PM PDT by
there ya go! Thanks for your patience :} Have fun!
Jun 23rd, 2013 at 10:04:26 PM PDT by
Thank you.
Jun 23rd, 2013 at 10:05:45 PM PDT by
Thank You! My power was out here for a while so right in the middle of uploading them, i couldn't! LOL! I was glad it came back on before i went to bed so i could! :} This is such a short time for an auction, but i wanted to make it available to someone for plenty of time to enjoy the red white & blue :} Sorry they weren't up sooner~!
Jun 23rd, 2013 at 10:20:34 PM PDT by
If you're planning to bid, please comment to let me know.. if this doesn't get any bids, i may just delete it.. i knew it was sortof a longshot to do such a short time for an auction, just thought it was worth putting out there in case someone wanted these for the Fourth tho!! Anyhoo~ Happy Tuesday lovebugs!
Jun 25th, 2013 at 10:27:04 AM PDT by
And, Thank you!! :}} (wish we could edit replies, lol. I appreciate you letting me know you plan to bid~ i updated the auction with a Better glitter polish, another of the Sation formaldehyde free ones instead :}}} Cheers!
Jun 25th, 2013 at 1:38:54 PM PDT by
But i'm changing it back by tonight if there aren't bids... cuz i keep having auctions go for only my start bid, which is cool-ish, but eh.. not so much.. lol
Jun 25th, 2013 at 3:08:24 PM PDT by
in other werds, please Bid if you would like to win this :} Thanks!
Jun 25th, 2013 at 4:11:37 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
so if i bid u can bid it to atlanta the smae afternoon and i'll get it today or tommorow
Jun 27th, 2013 at 10:55:22 AM PDT by
well, it won't come today unless you do local pickup, lol, and Yes i will mail it TODAY, so if you lived in this same region it might arrive tomorrow~ but i'm not paying $30 to second day air it, it'll be 3days Priority and could easily arrive Sat~ i'm not privvy to the actual USPS schedule~ this is just what the postman has told me. It will go to Denver this aftn and be processed to wherever~ Atlanta by tonight... so it depends how long it takes Them to then deliver it, unless you pick it up at the depot. :} Thanks!
Jun 27th, 2013 at 11:03:45 AM PDT by

July 4th IndependenceDay Nail Lacquer Set of 4~Flag Red White & Blue+sparkle * Sation * toluene-free is in the Health & Beauty | Other Health & Beauty Items category