Free: Wright's Wrist Rest - Computer Components - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Wright's Wrist Rest

Wright's Wrist Rest
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The listing, Wright's Wrist Rest has ended.

This is a brand new patented item, but hasn't hit the market yet. This product is called Wright's Wrist Rest and is a soothing band that you wear on your rest. The idea came to me because I do Ebay, Listia, and a few other sites and my wrist would be so tried that I would have to stop what I was typing a lot of times. Because my carpel tunnel would make me quit but this is for anyone who types. Maybe it will even save you from getting carpel tunnel. I wanted to share one with my Listia friends first. The color will vary and it will be a little different if a woman gets it or if a man gets (different style) so good luck and I hope you win!
Here is a picture of mine to give you another design mine is made from Vera Bradley Bali Gold to match my purse, eye glasses, and eye glass case.
Questions & Comments
if i win could i also get one made out of the vera bradley pattern?
Nov 5th, 2010 at 11:59:30 AM PDT by
I only had enough cloth to make the 1 Vera Bradley sorry I wish I did have more blast it but it is very expensive and hard to find!
After this they will be listed on Ebay for sale and you can choose your color but for now I don't have anymore Vera Bradley. This is one of those you get to try a new product free before they go on sale to the public so I hope you win because I have had one winner already and then you'll be the last good luck.....
Nov 8th, 2010 at 2:35:02 PM PST by

Wright's Wrist Rest is in the Computers & Networking | Computer Components category