They are! If you are a '60s veteran like me, they're a must have! I grew up during the 60's in all it's glory...complete with the VW microbus, tie-dyed t-shirts, Roman sandals, Afro hairdo and pink sunglasses. I refused to demonstrate against the military, actually was drafted and survived Viet-Nam.
I was very proud to serve my Country. I enlisted in the Navy to beat my induction into the Army figuring I would get three hots and a cot rather than "C-Rats" and marching orders. When my ship returned from our first deployment in 'Nam, the demonstrators were on the pier spitting and throwing garbage at us. We were not expecting a Welcome Home quite like that.
All the ugliness of that homecoming suddenly evaporated when I got to hold my 4 month old daughter, born while we were dodging Migs on Yankee Station. That little bundle of joy is grown up now with her own teenage daughters at home. My second daughter was born after I had mustered out of the service. Between my lovely daughters, I have two granddaughters and a fine grandson. Ah... Life is good!
That's funny...I remember those awful hairstyles... mine was a very high pompadore like Elvis wore. I had 2 Nehru jackets... tossed both of them when I got drafted in 1969. The hair was next... in fact I have even less now than I did when I was in bootcamp!