Free: Marilyn Monroe♥ Celluloid guitar pick♥ Image on both sides! L✿✿K Monroe Fans! #1 - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Marilyn Monroe♥ Celluloid guitar pick♥ Image on both sides! L✿✿K Monroe Fans! #1

Marilyn Monroe♥ Celluloid guitar pick♥ Image on both sides!  L✿✿K Monroe Fans! #1
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The listing, Marilyn Monroe♥ Celluloid guitar pick♥ Image on both sides! L✿✿K Monroe Fans! #1 has ended.

Marilyn Monroe Celluloid guitar pick.( "It's hard to beat the sound of celluloid!)
Image on both sides.
Classy! Sexy! Beautiful!
★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★ ★★★★
I ship to USA Only!!
I ship ONCE a week!!


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Please keep in mind : These items are FREE! FREE!! FREE!!!

•NOTE----->>>> Discourteous, rude, hateful, ignorant or trouble making remarks/comments and or bafoonery
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-Sorry, I'm not trying to sound mean, but I do not want to have any type of business with such people.
Im way to friendly of a person =^,,^=

•THANK YOU so very much for
looking & bidding on my items!
*Many Many HUGS*

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Marilyn Monroe♥ Celluloid guitar pick♥ Image on both sides! L✿✿K Monroe Fans! #1 is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category