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The listing, Pacifiers has ended.
8 brand new pacifiers soothie and 2 brand new gum drop pacifiers all were never used I got them for my daughter before she was born and she doesn't like pacifiers any questions please ask these r pink, purple and 2 green
Questions & Comments
fanned and watching!!! I have two girls, all of your stuff is cite!
I wanted my daughter to use these instead of sucking her finger I went out and bought a bunch of them and she never wanted it she would only sucks her finger drives me crazy lol
Hi im elishadodd82 and im working hard ⊂((〃’⊥’〃))⊃ im so close to achieving mywatchers badge i can feel it! Please if you dont mind please watch http://www.listia.com/auction/10652875-huge-free-products-coupon-lot-value-39 im almost out of time***PLEASE*** THANK YOU SO MUCH REMEMBER I ALWAYS RETURN ALL LOVE THEN SOME! This is my only watchers auction i will not be doing another if you dont like my comments on your auction im very sorry please just hide them but your still welcome at mine and still can post yours i dont mind at all i love company
also just want to add i read where some one wouldnt accept your address cause you cant verify but come check mine out your welcome there and if you go to post office they can help u fix address i had too
Actually they have ages on package like 0-3 months and 3+ months im not really sure what the difference is but they do have ages on the package. I use this kind for my daughter.
The purple, pink and green ones (Soothie) are 0-3 Months, however it really depends on the child's preference. My rose used the green ones when she was still in NICU and only 1 pound 10 ounces. It was HUGE against her little face, but she loved it! She never liked the gum drop, but most of them are rated Newborn if they are Pink or Purple and 0-3 if green and blue. Hope this helps!