Free: FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD *Click for more Info!* - Other Music & Instruments - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD *Click for more Info!*

FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD *Click for more Info!*
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The listing, FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD *Click for more Info!* has ended.

I verify that I have the right to distribute this digital item. The songs in which I distribute, as a Seller, to my customer, the Bidder, come from a legal, music sharing website on the net, that has been thoroughly checked and ensured that the original artist is aware and okay with their music being shared on such site.

Winner shall receive an email from me, with a song of their choice sent as a gift attachment.

Your safety is guaranteed with me, a Trusted Seller. I will never share or use your email any personal gain. Please provide an email address via message, along with your song request.

If bid goes go over 100, I will allow 1 more song with each added 100 afterwards. For example, if the winning bid is 200, the winner will get 2 songs of their choice, 300 winner get 3 songs, and so forth.

Happy Bidding! :) Any questions? Feel free to ask them below!! ;)
Questions & Comments
Watcher #1
Jul 27th, 2013 at 2:48:48 PM PDT by
Jul 27th, 2013 at 7:13:38 PM PDT by
Are there any limitations as to what songs could be given? (i.e. Cussing, Religious, etc.)
Jul 29th, 2013 at 8:46:25 AM PDT by
Nope! If it exists, I can find it and send it to ya! (via email) ;) Kinda like Fedex, only I'm much cuter :p lol jk! Lisita may censor ya but I can decifer most song titles lol :D
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:01:58 AM PDT by
Oh! If you want album art, it will take me a lil longer (like 2-3 days) than usual. i can get most songs delivered within 2 days of the auction ending ;)
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:03:39 AM PDT by
Alright, and I don't really know what I plan on doing anyways, just wanted to know ahead of time just in case, so I didn't look like a funky :P If I win I'll prolly wanna get album art if I can, I like it professional looking. But if you want I can also try my hand at doing that myself, if I'm able to edit the file majoogers personally.
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:10:58 AM PDT by
Lol! No worries! I just remembered about the album art not too long ago. A Bidder requested it (even gave specific dimensions) a while back. i had a little trouble but it's not hard to do so i don't mind too much ^.^ But good luck to ya!

Oh! If it comes down to a hard decision (for example, the ending bid is like 200 but theres 5 or so songs you want, I am more than happy to anty up the # of songs you get ;)
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:23:46 AM PDT by
Just checked, I can do all that if you want, I can grab the album art and do it, so you don't have to worry with it. I tested and suceeded with another song floating around my comp. And right now I have my bid set to 300, I'll prolly go higher later on to try and win it, might to a little snipey snipe on it if needed ;P
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:26:42 AM PDT by
Lol! I know what ya mean by the "snipey snipe" ;) I'm soo bad on that (in a good way of course XD)
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:42:02 AM PDT by
I'm great at doing it, but with my luck, I usually end up being under when I do it and going NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO for the next hour
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:43:00 AM PDT by
I know what ya mean! :P I made a total blunder yesterday. for a whole week i heavily watched this one auction for heart bracelet. it was soo cute and not too many people were bidding on it. i made a note for when it was supposed to end but less than 2 mins of it ending i totally "forgot" it o.O i was beating myself up for quite awhile cause I was gonna give it to one of my sisters for her birthday x.x
Jul 29th, 2013 at 9:50:57 AM PDT by
Ah that sucks, I haven't been on listia too long, so I haven't done a whole lot, but I tried to snipe bid on a code for something, but it ended up being just a lil under and so I couldn't raise it in time.
Jul 29th, 2013 at 10:12:44 AM PDT by
aww! :(
Jul 29th, 2013 at 10:13:47 AM PDT by
I was thinking, since you got your wings and the like, that if I do win and it's lower than what I'd be willing to pay, for like extra songs and the like, you could put up another auction with a GIN thing goin' on for the other rest of it, doesn't have to be an actual item, just make it seem like one or something.
Jul 29th, 2013 at 12:55:11 PM PDT by
Only if ya want to do that :) I had a GIN for 2000 credits but I haven't relisted it yet. And it won't let me go lower. But instead of just the 20 songs (2000/100=20) I add another 5 songs of the Bidder's choosing ^.^
Jul 29th, 2013 at 1:40:45 PM PDT by

FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD *Click for more Info!* is in the Music & Instruments | Other Music & Instruments category