The listing, 10 Collectible? Pokemon Cards. Judge them for yourself has ended.
Well let me start off by saying -Sorry about the sideways pics have no idea how these did that I took them regular way -new camera trying to get use to it and now by saying I am no expert ...I don't know a real Pokemon Card from a fake-never had any suspicion until now.. Even though I looked up stuff online and know kind of what to look for for fakes there are two cards I think might possibly be fake but like I said I am no expert so keep in consideration that this may be a possibility. Or not !
That being said.....
I will list them in order of pics and also I added front and back of each card also keep in mind the condition of these cards they were well played with and this may also be why I am suspicious of a couple they look more wore out that might be all it is . I don't know!
Also keep in mind if you click each photo you can see it up-sized quite a bit. Here they are
1.-Pichu lv- 6 basic - (suspicious-never heard of it and text and color are weird could possibly be wore out? )
2- Pikachu-basic
3- Different Pikachu- basic
4 -Magnemite- basic
5- Dark Magneton -Stage 1
6- Magneton Stage 1- ( Suspicious for the same reason as the other one)
7- Voltorb- basic
8- Eevee - basic
9- Dark Jolteon - Stage1
10- Chinchou - Basic (Maybe)
well for what its worth- I will do free shipping and must start the bid at 499 to cover my cost so if you don't trust these cards please don't bid or just bid on the ones you think are okay and count the ones that are questionable as a bonus if they turn out okay
No refunds .
Us verified shipping addresses only please thank you!