..nice auction, if you get 1 credit, you can mail it in a regular envelope, a 45c stamp! each auction you get 15 credits, and you can do that twice a day so that's 30 free credits a day, of course you have to offer free shipping to get the 30 credits, so this or a NEW bookmark from your local library works great! Stick a set of 2 or 3 in an auction, you'll get
...book marks, you can get at least 100 credits per auction if you list a set of 3....get them free at the library...ok, so.....here goes....free 30 credits each day for a month=900 credits just for listing 2 auctions a day WITH free shipping.
100 credits each day for a set of 3 bookmarks for a month=3000 credits, so you can make 3900 free credits a month!
A bonus, if you have Facebook and link with it, you get 50 credits FREE each day for sharing a random auction where they say Post this on your face book, so times 30 days that's 5,000 credts a month
ALL total, you can make 5900 FREE credits and that's without anything selling!
IF you sell 100 per day on the set of 3 bookmark, you can make 8900 easy!