Free: NEW (36) #1 Comic Book Auction...Winner Gets to pick TWO from the List Below. - Comics - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: NEW (36) #1 Comic Book Auction...Winner Gets to pick TWO from the List Below.

NEW (36) #1 Comic Book Auction...Winner Gets to pick TWO from the List Below.
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The listing, NEW (36) #1 Comic Book Auction...Winner Gets to pick TWO from the List Below. has ended.

All #1 comic books i used the pic of one of the comic books that i had below..but again you pick the two you want...bloodshed...paranoia (the computer is your friend)... nerc....power and special...ultraverse ultra force...elf-thing...the survivors....superman black+red....eternal warrior yearbook...warriors of plasm...the hacker files...batman-(seduction of the gun)....metropol...creature...x-force...the man called a-x...death stroke (the hunted)...the beginning of tomorrow damage...supreme glory days...the adventures of cylopsy...the legacy of superman... and phoenix...eternal warrior (chapter two)...the mighty image (wild storm rising)...frey...justice machine featuring the elemental's...stryfes (strike file)...the kree-skrull war starring the avengers...batman versus predator...escape to the stars....wizards of the last resort....jesse james...note: if you taken solarman...they are two comics in one it will count as two picks,,,.i think this covers it...if you see one not's available..i just missed it..this will be an ongoing auction, until they are gone...or people lose interest...:)...they all will be in plastic...and half of them (at least) have cardboard as well.....happy bidding.....

p.s. star wars + superman red +white are taken...i added... "justice"...and the "punisher" (the anniversary issue)......good luck!
Questions & Comments
Shared on face book nice good luck and thats you again for the 45!
Aug 5th, 2013 at 5:14:39 PM PDT by
Aug 5th, 2013 at 6:59:36 PM PDT by

NEW (36) #1 Comic Book Auction...Winner Gets to pick TWO from the List Below. is in the Collectibles | Comics category