The listing, Everything you always wanted to know about PRAYER (and asked)! has ended.
We all have questions about prayer. We want to fully express the Christ light within ourselves.
Unity recently invited friends from around the world to share their most thought-provoking, challenging questions. Those questions have been collected and answered by prominent Unity leaders and ministers in an enlightening new booklet.
Shine a new light on questions like:
* How will I know the voice of God?
* How do I pray for others?
* Is God really listening?
* What is affirmative prayer?
* How do I begin to “Let Go and Let God”?
The booklet also contains a simple Five-Step Prayer Process and a thoughtful essay by Unity's own Eric Butterworth on allowing prayer to work through you and awaken you into a new level of consciousness.
Feel closer to God and deepen your prayer life with loving suggestions from Unity.
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