Free: HM Littlest Pet Shop Toy-Bobblehead Armadillo in Basket - Other Toys & Hobbies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: HM Littlest Pet Shop Toy-Bobblehead Armadillo in Basket

HM Littlest Pet Shop Toy-Bobblehead Armadillo in Basket
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The listing, HM Littlest Pet Shop Toy-Bobblehead Armadillo in Basket has ended.

><>*LumaWorld Collectibles*<><

Want it? I just might have it!

A Christian Based Company


Hello, and welcome to my auction!

Up for sale is a toy that was offered in McDonald's Happy Meals.

The toy is a Littlest Pet Shop pet, in this case an armadillo, on a plastic stand. The stand is light green. The pet, which is seated on the stand, is a tan color, with a pink nose and large violet eyes. The basket is purple.

The pet is a bobblehead, and measures about 2 1/4" high. The base it sits on is about 2" long. The basket is a little wider and deep enough that the head shows above the edge.

This toy is new in its original packaging, however one of the basket handles is cracked.

Sorry, I cannot afford to offer free shipping at this time.

Please discard of the plastic bag after giving the toy to a child. For ages 3 and up.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my auciton. Please check out my other items. :)

Happy Bidding !
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HM Littlest Pet Shop Toy-Bobblehead Armadillo in Basket is in the Toys & Hobbies | Other Toys & Hobbies category