The listing, 3 piece set Georgeous wedding jewelry has ended.
This lot comes complete with a necklace,bracelet and watch that match perfectly.I wore them to a wedding and sure got the compliments !! Of course they are not real diamonds,i believe either rhinestones or crystal.The watch will need a battery and the latch on the bracelet will need to be replaced. Although I can fasten it by putting the lobster clasp through 2 eyes and it stays put !The necklace has VCLM on the back of it,And the watch has KESSARAS ,KZ3084.Accutime stainless steel.The bracelet is identical ,so I am sure it is made of the same ,but nothing was on it. I have never parted with these and thought I never would,but the time has come that I do not forsee any more weddings etc so I want somebody to enjoy this set just as much as I did. Perfect for the bride ,bridesmaid,or an Elegant night out with that significant other !!If your address is not verified through lista do not bother to bid because I will not send a pkg to you and you will be blocked. Good luck listions.