Free: wireless headphones - Other Electronics - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: wireless headphones

wireless headphones
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The listing, wireless headphones has ended.

fits small size like my eight year old daughter.
sound is not bad, but i did pick up a couple radiostations when i set it up next to my incoming coaxial cable for the internet.
ill send my own earphone jack dbl. male adapter because you plug transmitter into whatever you are sendind sound from. (she used it on her computer and her cd player.
these are not high end headphones but sound good. just don't expect bose sound ok, they are, afterall, kids size. (i wore them but it was uncomfortable.)
Questions & Comments
please do not bid if you do not want to make IMMEDIATE contact for shipping information and for resolution of postage . i accept paypal. i accept wells fargo or walmart money order. shipping will be paid within a reasonable amount of time so that transaction can be completed within the alotted amount of time for credits to be released, that way the entire transaction, on both parties side, will be nicely completed and make the auction a great experience for all. I don't bid on an auction i dont have funds to complete because it is not fair to the other bidders THAT ARE NOT BIDDING PAST THEIR MEANS.
Nov 29th, 2010 at 8:43:08 PM PST by

wireless headphones is in the Electronics | Other Electronics category