Free: Graphic Novel BLUE BLOODS Melissa De La Cruz BRAND NEW!! Vampires, YA - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Graphic Novel BLUE BLOODS Melissa De La Cruz BRAND NEW!! Vampires, YA

Graphic Novel BLUE BLOODS Melissa De La Cruz BRAND NEW!! Vampires, YA
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The listing, Graphic Novel BLUE BLOODS Melissa De La Cruz BRAND NEW!! Vampires, YA has ended.

Young Adult graphic novel.
Brand new!!
For this elite group of teenagers, New York is all about parties, fashion...AND BLOOD.

From Booklist
A girl is dead, a demon may or may not be on the loose, and 15-year-old Schuyler Van Alen has just discovered blue veins on her arms. Schuyler has an illustrious last name and attends an even more illustrious private school, but she’s never felt comfortable in that world of glitz, glamour, and gold-plated everything. The girl who died was Schuyler’s schoolmate. And Jack Force, one of the popular Force twins, who rule her school, has developed a sudden, dizzying interest in Schuyler. Strange happenings are afoot in wealthy, modern Manhattan. Venditti and Urusov have done an excellent job of adapting the first novel in de la Cruz’s complicated and much-beloved Blue Bloods series into a graphic novel. Urusov’s stylish and stylized artwork showcases the gossip-girl-meets-vampires theme of the original book and perfectly complements Venditti’s action-oriented pacing and plot-propelling dialogue. Grades 8-12. --Candice Mack
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Graphic Novel BLUE BLOODS Melissa De La Cruz BRAND NEW!! Vampires, YA is in the Books | Other Books category