The listing, McFarlane Amazing SpiderMan Marvel Comic Lot 25 Books Most Unread Condition C-9.5 or better has ended.
No progressive auction, no high starting price, no tricks... This is a lot of the Amazing SpiderMan comics from around the McFarlane era. 25 comics All are around C-9.5 High Grade condition or better with the exception of the Peter Parkers I think which have been read. Most of them are what I would call unread condition, and indeed, many of them are unread. These are from my collection from back when I used to do grading for NEC while living in Boston years ago and I collected comics by the boxload. They are numbered 293-330-306-308-309-312(2 copies)-313(2 copies)-314-315-316-317-318-319(2 copies)-320-321-323-324-325-328(2 copies)-375. If you know the grading value on McFarlane Spider-Mans then you know what you've got here, some of the values are no push-over in unread shape. I've added some individual photos so you can see the conditions more clearly.