The listing, Mister Scarface has ended.
Starring oscar winning Jack Palance!
Powerful and excessively violent riff on THE GODFATHER. This colorful and strangely romantic film takes place in a gritty real-life Italian ghetto, a drab and terror-filled place full of poor folks in shacks, tiny red Fiats, silk-shirted dudes and sexy chicks in miniskirts. Jack Palance, his face looking truly demented, smirks and smokes endlessly from a cigarette holder, doing his damndest to look like a mob kingpin, but coming across more like a visiting tourist. Our two pretty boys run around Rome in their goofy little red Puma GT dune buggy, karate-kicking all the bad guys without getting their hair mussed, and sleeping with the local tramps. (Intentional) comic relief is provided by the hilarious Vittorio Capriol, who plays Napoli, a retired mobster who likes to wise-crack and sleep alot. Lots of fighting, and a cool, bloody climax in an abandoned slaughterhouse. Cool, downbeat jazz score by Luis Enriquez Bacalov.
Tony, a mob loan collector, is dissatisfied with his station in life. Though he dreams of one day being rich, he is stuck with the dead-end job of beating up borrowers who fall behind in their payments. After meeting up with Napoli, another mob enforcer who's just been fired from his job, the two hatch a plan. Together, they will con mob boss Manzari out of a fortune, after which they can retire and live in luxury. Manzari, however, is not about to let them go so easily.