Kellvis always has long auctions, and the seem to work really well for him. Been a fan, but definitely watching and bidding after the 2 BLOCK PARTIES are over this evening. also looking forward to the garage sales, hoping smokey and the bandit makes it to one :)
I'm confused.. You stated that you had an extra set, laying around, but you have digital delivery. in the shipping.. Do you have the DVD's or not?? Just asking....
These are Blu Ray HD Ultraviolet Codes of the movies stated above they will redeem in the ultraviolet cloud and be available to you anywhere you can get service on your phone. They will redeem in SD & HD and are therefore compatible with any system.
COOL~! Def watching and fanned ^.^ If you could and have the time, could you stop by my auction for a Pink DS and watch it? Imma try an get a badge <(^.^)> Thanks~!