The listing, Black Eyed Susans, plenty of organic seeds, auction #4 has ended.
OK folks, here we goooo, help me celebrate my trusted seller badge, starting bids will all be set to 0!!!! This time I'm auctioning off 5 miniature baggies of organic Black Eyed Susan seeds, please don't ask how many because they are way to small and to many to count, I would say you get at least a few hundred off one cone. Since our flowers are done now (this is my first year with seeds here, better timing next year :), I snagged the pics off the internet to show their stages and also to show that they grow well in small or large bunches or you can also grow them like a field. Once the petals die, the seeds are ready. They also grow nicely rather they are alone or in your bee mixture (have seen them with purple cone flowers). If you don't have a lot of room to work with, you may only want to plant a tiny bit, keep some extra just in case or even next year but ours come up every year and maybe pass some along. They're pretty much low maintenance, just water when dry. Directions are to long to post, so if you need it, let me know and I'll give it to you. Now for a goodie grab: which ever one of my auctions has the highest bid at the end, I will include include a pack of about 50 garlic seeds along with 2 or 3 bulbs for planting so you may want to put all 5 auctions on your watch list. If you don't use any chemical sprays or fertilizers, you have the right idea ;) Also feel free to advertise an auction but please keep it to one, thank you!!! Please don't ask for Gin or to lower days, thank you!! Now for the fun stuff, shipping!