FREE: **I call her Big Beauty** Tibetan Silver & Turquoise Bangle Bracelet!!! Something for the Ladies!
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The listing, **I call her Big Beauty** Tibetan Silver & Turquoise Bangle Bracelet!!! Something for the Ladies! has ended.
Stunning!!! This is such a Beauty! This Tibet & Turquoise Silver Oval Bangle is absolutely Gorgeous!! This Big Beauty is 21/2" at it's longest point and 21/4" . By holding this bracelet I cannot tell how much it weighs but it is Huge! The spring loaded, one-sided opening is unique in style & convenient for putting on and off. This is a relist as the first auction was accidentally overbid and it's Christmas & it wouldn't be right to make him use his credits for something he didn't mean we go! **Free Shipping** as usual and good luck to you all! Please check out my other auctions as I have many more items going up today. Sponge Bob, Fabulous and absolutely adorable jingle bell ring and more. Become a Fan and I'll enter you in the Jan. 1 drawing for something exquisite! Thanks for shopping my freebies!
Hi there newby! :) The reason your'e being outbid is quite frankly, whomever has the most credits and they happen to be bidding on the same thing you are is they may bid at 2,000 and you are constantly being outbid. Because the last bidder may have only bid 102 but because the guy with all the credits bid 2000, you are going to be outbid at every try until/unless you get lucky and bid more than he did-let's say 2,300. I stink at explaining but I hope I did ok by you. :) Welcome to Listia!
Hon, even newbys win sometimes. Put things up for auction that are in demand-especially now w/Christmas coming. Unused toys, jewelry, tools...Good luck & I hope to see you bidding! :)
This is the one I auctioned before. The gentleman that bid & won hit a number twice & confirmed it before he saw what he had done so I let him off the hook-so to speak. And this is the only one I have or could find. Thanks for asking.
no way to do something similar to second chance offer like ebay has ?? kinda hope the guy that came in second last time gets it this time if he/she still wants it. to me looks like it has favorite piece of jewelery potential. is that nice. i have a piece of turquoise about same size and something like this is exactly what i was thinking of having it made into. beautiful !!