Free: Brand New Fasting Hardcover Book By Jentezen Franklin Religious Book - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Brand New Fasting Hardcover Book By Jentezen Franklin Religious Book

Brand New Fasting Hardcover Book By Jentezen Franklin Religious Book
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The listing, Brand New Fasting Hardcover Book By Jentezen Franklin Religious Book has ended.

You are bidding on a religious hardcover book. This hardcover book is titled “Fasting” written by Pastor Jentezen Franklin. This is a brand new book, which was not sealed in plastic when I purchased it. This book is the Crossings Book Club Edition. The book measures 6.25” wide & 9” high and is 240 pages in length.

“Opening the door to a deeper, more intimate, more powerful relationship with God. Access the power of Biblical fasting-transform your life! When you fast, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world & amazingly sensitive to the things of God. Once you’ve experienced even a glimpse this & countless rewards & blessings that follow, it changes your entire perspective. Jentezen Franklin gives you the keys to experiencing this kind of transformation in Fasting, one of the best, most comprehensive books available on the topic. Discover everything you need to know to unlock the Biblical fasting including: The types of fasts described in the Bible & how to choose which is right for you; The connection between fasting and prayer; The essential components of a successful fast; What to expect physically, mentally, spiritually.”

Shipping for this book is $2.50 media mail, does not include tracking unless the winning bid is 1,500 credits or higher. Keep in mind that media mail takes longer to reach you. If you are in a hurry to receive this book, you can upgrade the shipping to first class mail for $4, does not include tracking. If you win this auction with a lower winning bid & desire tracking there is an additional 90 cent charge. Shipping fees are payable via Paypal or concealed cash. I am not responsible for cash that is lost in the mail.

The winner of this auction has 7 days from the close of this auction to submit their Listia verified mailing address & pay the shipping fee, or I will keep the credits and relist the item per Listia rules.

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Brand New Fasting Hardcover Book By Jentezen Franklin Religious Book is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category