Your welcome - There are many more choices like gift cards to Gas Stations - Arco, Shell and Cheveron and so many other places that I can't think of at this moment! - Whatever I can buy - close to my house or if I can buy it online - Then its yours!
I hope you will get a chance to answer this before it ends-I just found this auction...are you doing a shipping option only,or would you consider sending it by email,like an amazon e-certificate,so that the winner could use it very soon? Im asking because I want to make sure it would arrive quickly,as some sites are abit backed up on shipping,and I dont have a car...
You can only edit if there are no bids - Of course you also need to be logged on and if you click on one of your auctions that have no bids -on the top (left - I think) it will say edit - so you would click that.