thanks . i have alot of stuff like this mostly is used though and i am new at this and dont know how used items sell ... if anything specific u or anyone is looking for let me know .
i thought so . i wont sell anything used then . i do have a hair moistureuzer i will include in my next auction that is used but only if they want it with the bottle of conditioner i have coming out next .. its great stuff does wonder .....
Yeah I agree with mvs027. Used items are not supposed to be sold since they're pretty unsanitary but if it's something like perfume that's in a bottle, I think it's alright. I saw this perfume auction for Gucci+Ralph Lauren go for 6,000-7,000 points.
It'll be great if you're able to post up more auctions like this! :) I usually go on Listia looking for face wash, face and body lotions, moisturizers, and shampoo/conditioners... or basically most of the stuff found in the Health/Beauty categories hehe. :)
well my next thing is a huge 32 or 64 oz bottle of tressmee conditioner... i am going to ask for shipping on it.because it will not fit in an envelope ... but not much ... :)