Free: 2Q13 Lincoln Shield Cent Die Chips, Gouges, Cracks - its a BEAUTY! - Coins - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 2Q13 Lincoln Shield Cent Die Chips, Gouges, Cracks - its a BEAUTY!

2Q13 Lincoln Shield Cent Die Chips, Gouges, Cracks - its a BEAUTY!
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The listing, 2Q13 Lincoln Shield Cent Die Chips, Gouges, Cracks - its a BEAUTY! has ended.

The high bidder will receive the 2Q13 Lincoln Shield Cent Die Chips, Gouges, Cracks - its a BEAUTY! error as pictured.

OK folks! I have JUST finished searching my first brick of 2013 OBWs from Cleveland Federal Reserve. I found some interesting stuff! All 2013 coins are GEM BU unless otherwise stated.

I am keeping several for my own collection!

2Q13 = The "0" in 2013 has a die chip that makes it look like a "Q" - too sweet!
There is a great die gouge spike coming off Lincoln's chin (Blue arrows).
There is a decent Die crack on the bottom of the "E" in CENT (white arrows) that includes 3 die chips (red arrows)
and... of course, a die crack running along the left top shield (white arrows) which includes a decent die chip (red arrow).

NO other International or Canadian bids accepted!
Sorry folks - too much hassle on my end.

Please take the time to check out my other listings!

Thanks for looking!

Good Luck!
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2Q13 Lincoln Shield Cent Die Chips, Gouges, Cracks - its a BEAUTY! is in the Collectibles | Coins category