If it was ab money, I wouldn't have posted it on here! And by the time I add the insurance to it it won't be $6 anymore! You don't have to bid! Nor do you have to keep posting negative comments! If all I wanted was money it would be gone to the pawn shop!! I don't need $9 bad enough to screw people out of it!
u will get more if u wait the days u have it up. u can't do GIN until u get ur wings n something else. my daughter got me into this.If u could have done GIN u could have started it at 20000
The Kindle Keyboard eReader does actually have WiFi or 3G Internet, right? The ones listed on Amazon do. I believe it might just be for downloading Amazon eBooks, though.
It does have WiFi. And I got to really messing w it and you can get some games on it. Not like apps though. Word Searches, Connect the dots, Squares, Crosswords. I only downloaded free books on it. Most games are free. But yes, its for Amazon.