Free: Papaver Somniferium sm. baggie full Free Ship - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Papaver Somniferium sm. baggie full Free Ship

Papaver Somniferium sm. baggie full Free Ship
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The listing, Papaver Somniferium sm. baggie full Free Ship has ended.

Somniferium Papaver (Poppy) Seeds, grown for thier adaptation to cooler climates, and beauty.

I am using larger baggies, but still sending a generous amount of seeds.

Free shipping. USA only, or international contact me for shipping fees.

I always include a bonus, so have fun bidding!
Questions & Comments
Just to clarify bonus seeds are your choice of an additional baggie of poppy seeds I have listed three variety's, all somniferium, and all produce beautiful flowers. So bid with confidence, and let me know your verified address at auction end, and which type of poppy seed you would like as your bonus. The quicker you put up your information, the quicker I can send to you. If you want tracking, then you will have to pay for it to my pay pal, but honestly I have never had an issue with anyone not getting their seeds in just a few days once I send, so I leave that as an option, so you can enjoy the free shipping. Thanks for bidding, and please fan. I need fans bc I have reached my fan limit. :)
Sep 19th, 2013 at 3:43:31 AM PDT by

Papaver Somniferium sm. baggie full Free Ship is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category