hello, it is for everything, you can hook up your gaming systems to stereo , to stereo reciever to dvd player to tv's,ect...it is fiberobtic on both ends, makes auto super clear...expensive in stores ;)
it is right above this cord under my actions it is only 25 credits, it ends soon though so look it up let me know if you dont know how to find it ;) its the cord you need for xbox 360 to router,k ;)
i think so but let me check with the hubby when he gets home from work this is what he does for a living, lol he will know for sure which cable you will need and if i dont have it on my actions i will but it on my action for you with the least amount of days ok ;)
i asked my husband about the ps3 and your tvs, the answer is yes, it will make everything super clear for your audio. you will see the hook up on the back of your equipment it will say digital optical,k ;)