I'm near Cleveland but don't consider Bainbridge too far for a pickup (I enjoy the drive). I'm a wheelchair user too (I'm in my mobility scooter in my profile picture but I think it's cropped out of the shot). I crochet and sew (though not as often as I'd like - hard to get fabric laid out around my kids. Baby in my profile picture is my 4th, he's 10 months old) and my beading skills are underdeveloped. How old were you when you started carving? I'm wondering if my elder 2 kids (ages 9 and 6) might be getting old enough to do it if they get inspired to learn.
Wow... that would be about a 5 hour drive. I just turned 61 yr. young yesterday. I started carving peach seeds when I was in my early 20's. I've raised 4 siblings, a niece, my son and daughter, and now I'm raising my 4 grandkids. Two are out on their own and I still have a 15 yr. old granddaughter and a 9 yr. old grandson. I had paralytic polio when I was 18 months old. Most of my muscles recovered by the time I was 12, but now I'm experiencing PPS, late affects of polio. The surviving nerve cells are slowly dying. I've been in the chair permanently since 2008.
cool :) I am too klutzy to carve so I really admire other people's work, and I collect squirrel items (it's my nickname). Plus possibility of local pickup is nice :)
So you live near Bainbridge, Ohio? That's good. I'm in a wheelchair so keeping my hands busy gives me a feeling of accomplishment. I do a lot of crochet, needlework, sewing, and beading.
Did you know there are (at least) 2 towns called Bainbridge in Ohio? Zip codes, this is why they are important *facepalm* the other Bainbridge is off of State Route 422 east of Solon, pretty much directly north of the old Geauga Lake amusement park that was then a Sea World then a Six Flags and is now a water park renamed WildWater Kingdom. That's about a 30min drive from me (and a particularly pretty drive this time of year) and I have friends who live in that area that, were they one and the same, I could have made a nice little daytrip out of the pickup. Got outbid, rebidding, but if I win I will have to rely on postal service for this one unfortunately.