Free: ** 10K YELLOW GOLD NECKLACE WITH 10k WHITE GOLD HEART CHARM ** - Necklaces - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, ** 10K YELLOW GOLD NECKLACE WITH 10k WHITE GOLD HEART CHARM ** has ended.

This is a thin 10k vintage screw clasp yellow gold necklace not plated its been in my jewelry box for years now I bought this with my first paycheck @ the age of 15 from an antique store. I didn't wear it but 3 days cause it was to thin for me no weight. The pendant on this necklace is 10K white gold not plated & is stamped CZ heart charm. I need to raise over 1200 credits cause I lost a dispute to a lier & scammer my experience ment nothing to listia so my 100th auction was a nightmare instead of my proudest moment. Beware of scammers & liers here honesty didnt help me at all being here over a yr w 100% feedback ment nothing either 4% feedback nothing but lies were all ther on the auction link if you are my fans please tell your fans about my auctions I'm listing through out the day. Trust me they will be expensive auctions if your not my fans feel free to fan cause I will Dan back tell your fans as well please friends help me raise these credits & in return you get great quality jewelry it will be very worth it thanks for looking at my auction GOOD LUCK & HAPPY BIDDING!! :) :)
Questions & Comments
Smoke free?nice auction
Oct 6th, 2013 at 2:12:19 AM PDT by
Oh yes got 3 kids second hand smoke kills
Oct 6th, 2013 at 2:20:54 AM PDT by
how long is the necklace?
Oct 8th, 2013 at 11:54:24 AM PDT by
I really don't remember think not guarantee it's either 18 or 20 inch
Oct 9th, 2013 at 7:23:03 AM PDT by
Robin12 thank you for fanning you are my 500 fan I earned the 500 fans badge thanks to you I fanned back thank you very much
Oct 12th, 2013 at 4:04:45 AM PDT by
F $ W. I wish you good luck
Oct 12th, 2013 at 12:08:53 AM PDT by
Fanned back thanks
Oct 12th, 2013 at 12:24:03 AM PDT by
On the chain, where is the 14k marking? U can see it?
Oct 11th, 2013 at 7:33:31 PM PDT by
No markings or stamps then I was told by the antique dealer not all vintage antique jewelry is marked or stamped it has a screw together clasp I bought this in an antique store when I was 15 yrs old with my first paycheck. I only wore a few days it didnt turn it doesnt stick to a magnet I don't know if its stamped on the inside of the threads I never really looked for a stamp just was exited to make my first expensive jewelry purchase on my own
Oct 11th, 2013 at 10:21:06 PM PDT by
Thanks to all that have been bidding & for the kind words of advice i really appreciate the support y'all have given me i reached the amount i needed to with still 3 auctions still listed i wasn't expecting to raise them that quickly i added a new auction it's a silver plated aminyst white opal ring it was my 100th auction i dont want it cause it was bought for a purpose so i relisted it thanks everyone
Oct 11th, 2013 at 7:36:28 AM PDT by
I'm a fan of LolaGail love her auctions that is a pretty set
Oct 11th, 2013 at 1:06:12 AM PDT by
Look at LolaGail (ID) listing for "10K yellow gold opal and garnet set." Bangle bracelet is bent. Person in comments says she has a special way of getting these dents out. I have it bookmarked.
Oct 10th, 2013 at 11:10:28 PM PDT by
Thanks I will
Oct 11th, 2013 at 12:58:46 AM PDT by
It is great that you can work with jewelry to restore it. Tonight, I saw a ring that was bent. Also a bracelet. I was searching for 10K & 14K gold on Listia.
Oct 10th, 2013 at 10:36:44 PM PDT by
After I pay my dept trust me ill be back to search for those items
Oct 10th, 2013 at 10:48:06 PM PDT by
I would like to point out something about selling sterling silver jewelry. On a recent listing, a seller refused to give the weight of her sterling silver jewelry because she had an item returned to her because she had given the wrong weight. Her scales are not very accurate. I guess they were buying silver to sell as scrap to be melted down. I do not plan to give out weight when I sell silver because of this. I am sad that so much nice jewelry has been lost because of selling to be melted down. I have had good experiences on Listia. I love Listia.
Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:35:30 PM PDT by
Also not all sterling is stamped they make a big deal about that mine wasa vintage necklace no stamp I mentioned that but it was tested but that stamp is what they want I hate that. It isn't fair beautiful jewelry melted down I don't think weight should matter it shouldn't even be posted if I see dirty or bent jewelry that's vintage I bid to win I love restoring jewelry I ginned a vintage sterling ring that was bent & dirty when I got it my hubby straightened it out perfectly & I cleaned & polished it now its so beautiful I love it more I see beauty in all jewelry I bring it out I love restoring jewelry & watches my bf brings me all kinds of stuff to clean for him to cause he says I got talent it's just something I enjoy
Oct 10th, 2013 at 9:59:06 PM PDT by
Ive already ran across one, well lets just say they used a pic that def wasnt what you got but i didnt bid much and just laughed it off.(I think alot of people on here have caught on to it) Some im still waiting on receiving but i always give people the benefit of the doubt. Id hate to have to deal with what your going threw! Geez this is suppose to be a fun site.
Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:33:05 PM PDT by
People come & just mess it up value of the credit which shouldn't matter cause its all free unless your lazy & just buy them & don't list auctions think u should get expensive stuff cause you pd for the credits that's how the person I list to was they pay for credits no auctions what so ever to earn
Oct 10th, 2013 at 10:01:50 PM PDT by
watching and fanned you too
Sorry about what happen to you but sometimes you just got to bite the
just remember that most people on here are great people.
but your bound to run in to a few that are not honest on here for sure.
I had the same thing happen to me too.
the guy got my 14k ring for free and Listia gave back his 150,000 points.
because he said all I sent him was a quarter wrapped in bubble wrap.
which I sent him the ring with tracking. I even had pictures of how I wrapped it up and the box it was put in to. didn't matter.
and your right yours and mine, great feed back and the years don't count for squawt with listia. when it come to problems on here.
Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:31:46 PM PDT by
Wow it's terrible we try to be honest & these people come in & think credits & free items is what it's all about they don't care who gets ripped off as long as they get there cake & eat it to. Listia should do there disputes differently because some new people come & mess up our good times the true listians with all the great achievements I don't understand that how they judge so wrong when the proof is right in front of them they still go with the liers & scammers it isn't fair for us. We got such good feed back why mess up & lie now it isn't worth it I have met so e nice great honest people here they keep in touch I love them to death those are listians that stick together that's y I turned to my friends to help me through this & so far so good they have one even won one I fanned back everyone who fans me but if someone does me wrong I block them quickly
Oct 10th, 2013 at 9:41:17 PM PDT by
Wow reading all this! Im fairly new here and id hate to get scammed! Gonna do some googling! I love this site everyone ive either won stuff from or got stuff off me have been great. Wish you could say there name, i dont need no scammer just trying to auction stuff off to get things for the kids and a few things for me. Im keeping an eye on your auctions, you have some great things listed :)
Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:01:50 PM PDT by
Thank you I try to list good items my friend helps me by giving me some to just watch people's feedback that helps sometimes lately even the ones with 100% are not shipping I wish I could give a name fanned you ill check out your auctions welcome to listia don't let one bad one get you though just keep going but block each one after you have a bad experience with them I have over 30 blocks in 1 1/2 year
Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:10:41 PM PDT by
Yes, it was about Listia only. I think I was Googling a subject about Listia, such as "how successful is the Listia website" or "how to make money on Listia." I wrote down lots of names, but have not blocked anyone yet. I am shocked by how many dishonest people are taking advantage of the online sales sites. I am sure my time will come to have one of them.
Oct 10th, 2013 at 7:51:49 PM PDT by
Lately it has been getting pretty mine they bidded only cause it looked expensive so they had to have it & they stated that so the complaints started as soon as they recieved it I don't even believe the allegations were true cause my hubby had the item tested it came back as sterling to me I guess the jewelry wasn't as much value as they wanted it to be. It's a free sight no $$ involved people want genuine high prices items its crazy it dont help that no punishment involved after certain complaints either but I still love listia no matter what I will continue it cause stuff I don't use soneone can 2 of my rings have gone to guys that can't afford a ring to propose so that's what it's all about here to me not value it's making someone else happy thanks I will look that up
Oct 10th, 2013 at 8:06:26 PM PDT by
Love it. Will bid later. Sorry for your trouble. Recently, I found a website through Google, where people discussed problems they have had with buyers. They named the buyers. I cannot remember the name of the blog or website.
Oct 10th, 2013 at 7:34:03 PM PDT by
Is it about listia only thanks but I'm almost at my goal & should be receiving the jewelry back soon I will relist it its a pretty opal ring
Oct 10th, 2013 at 7:37:50 PM PDT by
Sorry about what happened to you. Fanned and watching.
Oct 5th, 2013 at 4:58:26 AM PDT by
Oct 5th, 2013 at 5:36:09 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Oct 6th, 2013 at 7:48:28 PM PDT by
Thank you
Oct 6th, 2013 at 7:59:50 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Oct 5th, 2013 at 10:44:25 PM PDT by
Thank you
Oct 6th, 2013 at 2:21:12 AM PDT by
Not at all. Your just being truthful.
Oct 5th, 2013 at 2:28:50 PM PDT by
Thanks I don't want to sound mean cause I'm a lovable person
Oct 5th, 2013 at 2:50:23 PM PDT by
Does that sound mean to y'all the comment I made before this one
Oct 5th, 2013 at 10:14:59 AM PDT by
To me there is no nice person here it's just pure greedy & evil cause it wasn't expensive now look expensive auctions up by me they can't bid on my items now cause I hit block they wanted expensive so I showed them expensive 6 auctions total love it thanks y'all for y'all's support y'all are what I call true listian friends tear
Oct 5th, 2013 at 10:14:09 AM PDT by
I'm truly sorry for what You going trough, I had Disputes and yes there are people that also say they never received the item, so I started to put Tracking on everything and then now one can tell You that they not received them, watching Yours, love it and will be bidding till the end, I always wait to almost to the end
Oct 5th, 2013 at 10:11:24 AM PDT by
Thank you for your kind words I always send with tracking to I wasn't expecting the outcome they sound nice at first but they change to pure evil & greedy
Oct 5th, 2013 at 10:18:45 AM PDT by
Wish You could let us know to, had a view nightmares myself, but most of the people are really Sweethearts and willing to help, but there are always a view that try to take all the fun away, watching Yours for sure
Oct 5th, 2013 at 8:38:16 AM PDT by
I wish I could say a name but can't I don't want my listian friends to get burned like I did but its weird I have over a yr here & they say badges represent as experience & your accomplishments I have 73 badges 100% feedback seller & buyer the scammer 6 badges & 4 positive feedback seller that's it its crazy hope y'all enjoy these auctions thanks for stopping by
Oct 5th, 2013 at 9:58:00 AM PDT by
I wish I would know the name also, had a view nightmares myself but mostly the people are really fair and so many Sweethearts on Listia, watching Your for sure and I just know that You will get lot's of credits
Oct 5th, 2013 at 8:35:00 AM PDT by
Put it this way winner knew exactly what they were getting they bidded anyways when they are allergic to plated jewelry only bidded cause it looked expensive I had no proof my SS necklace turned neck green kept asking if I had any more items to give them I said no automatically a dispute after we agreed to me sending something I said I'm shipping this in the afternoon replied dont want them cause its not enough all in auction link emails & they still are gonna win the dispute it's bs I still don't understand it
Oct 5th, 2013 at 10:04:02 AM PDT by
I agree with you!
Oct 5th, 2013 at 5:46:11 AM PDT by
They had it planned before they bidded it was ugggg it just makes me really upset how I can't say a name I don't want this lieing scammer to get y'all beware please I promise this name is gonna come out so y'all could flag & block them I don't want this to happen to my friends thanks for stopping by
Oct 5th, 2013 at 10:08:02 AM PDT by
Thank you so much I appreciate it please spread the word about these auctions I just wish I could say a name so you could be aware of this greedy scammer
Oct 5th, 2013 at 5:21:33 AM PDT by
Oops! Already a fan.
Oct 5th, 2013 at 5:00:34 AM PDT by
Oct 5th, 2013 at 5:35:55 AM PDT by

** 10K YELLOW GOLD NECKLACE WITH 10k WHITE GOLD HEART CHARM ** is in the Jewelry & Watches | Necklaces category