I do smoke cigarettes but I DON'T smoke in the house (so nothing smells of smoke). And We do have 2 Dogs. But we keep everything in tote boxes and bags and away from them. Thank You.
Questions & Comments
my wife says she wants one, i see youve become a smarty pants and raised your starting bids , so i cant take advantage of you EH,LOLOL no really its a good idea because these are heavy deoderants , 14 0z to be exact , OYYYY actually your very generouse . if you want to win an auction that will show you cheaper shipping go to my wifes auctions and see her auctions on cheaper shipping , its helped us and many others on here to save quite a bit of shipping money her name is monica54
I'm sorry. : ) Thank You. Yes. You are right. Suave Deodorants are heavy deodorants. I use Suave mainly all the time because you get more use out of It. Wow? I am (being very generous)? Why u say that? Ok. Thanks for that Info. I'll check her page out. Enjoy the Weekend.
sorry, babygurl, my husband stephensanders3 is out of his mind and doesn't remember why he said it, lol... he doesn't even remember when he said it, lol... he thinks the whole world is generous!!! jk.. he said it because these deodorants are heavy, weigh over 13 oz and that shipping costs more. If you are interested in my auction that stephen mentioned I have, just go check it out.. called HOW DOES HE SHIP SO CHEAP??.. leave me a message thru Listia and let me know what you think. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by my auctions and watching! Fanned you back! :D