Free: 100 things to have for survival - Other Home & Gardening Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 100 things to have for survival

100 things to have for survival
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The listing, 100 things to have for survival has ended.

A well thought out list of 100 different items to have on hand at your home to help you and your family survive the proverbial "fecal matter hitting the fan".

This is not just some list of crap thrown together to try and get some credits for free, this is a real list that will help ease the struggle of enduring a natural or man-made disaster. This list is what I based my preps on, and we are continually working to fill this list. Winter is here in the northern part of the country, the power-outages will start happening within a few weeks as snow starts to come down and build up. Be Prepared!

This list along with another free electronic "survival" gift will be emailed to you upon auction end (after you send me your email address in a message). The auction starts a 0 credits and both items will be sent whether it ends at 1 credit or 1,000,000,000,000, so bid with confidence.

Thanks for checking out my auction!

God Bless and watch your 6, somethin's brewin'.

This is a relist, and I will continually do so until no-one places bids any more. I am trying to reach as many people as possible. I will send this to each winner, every time, upon auction end.
Questions & Comments
fan and watching. everyone should know about this
Oct 12th, 2013 at 6:44:58 AM PDT by
Fanned back! I agree!
Oct 12th, 2013 at 8:14:22 AM PDT by
I'm going to watch this. I won an auction for this in the past, but somehow my email you sent to me got removed from my inbox and I never was able to fully look through it.
Oct 13th, 2013 at 12:12:36 PM PDT by
I will send you the files again if it was removed. message me your email address and I will send it over.
Oct 13th, 2013 at 5:19:22 PM PDT by
God bless you for offering something that everyone should know.. In 2011, I was the only survivor in my 2 story apt. building when a F5 tornado devastated our city killing 164 people including family.. I said that to say how important this info. truly can be..The few survival techniques that I did know was from watching a few military survival training video.. Those skills helped me too survive until some one found me under the rubble of that building. I wrapped up with insulation to try and stay warm and soon realized that my screaming wasn't going to get any one's attention because of all the car alarms going off. So, I found a piece of metal pipe to use to beat on some other metal..Actually the list of just those little things can make all the difference in the world when you are in that kind of situation..
Oct 13th, 2013 at 9:56:21 PM PDT by
I thank you, and I am sorry that you had to go through that, I can't imagine what it was like. I agree, even just a little information can help. I hope that I can reach alot of people with this information before going off-grid here in a few months. Like I say in the action description, I don't care if I only get 1 credit for these lists (which has happened many times), everyone needs these.
God Bless you and yours.
Oct 14th, 2013 at 7:13:39 AM PDT by

100 things to have for survival is in the Home & Garden | Other Home & Gardening Items category