none of us are dentist. We took my grandson who's 5 for a check up a few days later about 100 toothbrushes got mailed to the house. I think it was some kind of computer error or something. LOL
These would be great...I am starting on a project with the youth center I work and the teens I work with will be making a couple hundred "caring comfort packages"...around where I live there is a lot of homeless on the street...we will be filling freezer ziplock bags with toiletries and hygiene items aswell as snacks that won't perish. Your auction just made me want to expand that idea and make kits for kids too and bring to the local battered woman's shelter! I'll definitely be watching!
That's a awesome idea and if I could figure out a cheap way to ship some to you I would love to donate some for your project. Good luck if you decide to bid.
I will definitely bid! Iffy chance you do have extras I wouldnt be opposed to helping with shipping. I don't mind paying alittle when I know it will help a lot of people. But especially fir the little ones...gotta love their excitement over the littlest of things