This is new-never worn. I bought it for my sister but it din't fit. It has one top pocket. Perfect for someone working in a veterinarians office or clinic.
I am not a nurse, but I have a CNA that takes care of my son who is disabled,and she also helps me with housework because I am 73. I want to get this for her
greeneyes-wish my boss was as nice as you! kellymarie-yes, it fits like a large lisaadamslord-I'll be posting more soon-I'll try to find some XL sized Recently had my house almost burn down-and have been busy with builders and insurance agents and such--all my clothes have been professionally cleaned so no worries about being stinky from the fire. Thanks everyone for bidding, watching and fanning me! Good luck everyone-sale ends tomorrow! I'm anxious to see what happens at the end of biddind as I am new to this site. It's so much fun!
*bidding* Jeesh-I need to proofread what I post better! Has anyone seen the empty box someone listed--- for your cat? Hilarious! Like I said-this site is so fun and I've met some wonderful people here!