I am so sorry I didnt comment correctly on your post. I am new to this site and replied to the email that I got. Just let me know how many you want and we will figure it out. And yes you may choose the colors
They are very pretty and I love handmade things but I've never heard of these, Sorry I'm a new Grandma. :) Could you explain a little more about them? How are they used for nursing? Are there non-toxic beads on them?
Well, it is a funny story actually. I was browsing a thrift store and saw 2 of these necklaces and thought they were beautiful, so I bought them. I made 100 of them and was selling them at a local farmers market and a customer very excited to see them explained to me that they were nursing necklaces. That as baby gets older and more aware of things they are often grabbing things with their hands.....hair, necklaces, pinching skin, playing with moms shirt etc, so these necklaces were made by someone....dont know who....to give baby something safe to fidget with while nursing. Most of the beads are natural, have not been painted, some have marbles inside of them and pony beads on the outside. You may choose the colors or if there is something particular you are looking for I can do that too. I have several football patterened ones with the beads on the in the colors of the chosen team.