If you tend to hit the wrong keys when typing on you smart phone you can use a stylus to be more precise. Playing sudoku is a lot easier with a stylus. For my kindle I have some that are close to the size if a pencil. I keep losing those. These plug where the headset plugs in when you aren't using them and they don't get lost so fast. I took one to a lady in a nursing home I visit to help her text message. Then I had to take one for her friend who's hands are shakey.
My husband has Muscular Dystrophy and this is really helpful although my youngest (my picture is of her) broke it. these stylus are great! He lost a few and this stylus plugs in to the headphone jack, not lost as easly. F&W
Thanks for adding to the narrative. My lady at the nursing home was using hers tonight to scroll through contacts. She is so happy. The Red Hat Ladies are all wanting them since she used it at a luncheon yesterday.