The listing, GARAGE TO GIGS: A MUSICIAN'S GUIDE by ANDREW THOMAS {Book} has ended.
Please note that at the top of the pages there is a slight red dye tinge. All of the pages are crisp white and in excellent condition otherwise.
Currently, on Amazon, the customer reviews for this book are all 5 stars.
CHAPTER 1 - Preparing Yourself To Play In A Band
CHAPTER 2 - Considering What Kind Of Band To Form Or Join
CHAPTER 3 - Finding Musicians Or A Band
CHAPTER 4 - Auditioning Musicians For Your Band Or Auditioning To Join A Band
CHAPTER 5 - Pulling Your Band Together
CHAPTER 6 - Recording A Demo To Get Gigs And Market Your Band
CHAPTER 7 - Creating Your Band's Promotional Materials
CHAPTER 8 - Finding Gigs For Your Band
CHAPTER 9 - Promoting Your Gigs
CHAPTER 10 - Preparing For Your Gig
CHAPTER 11 - Playing The Gig
CHAPTER 12 - Building And Maintaining Momentum
Topics Discussed -
* Understanding Your Local Music Scene
* Defining Yourself As A Musician
* Knowing Your Recording Options and Establishing a Budget
* Taking or Contracting for a Band Photo
* Creating Flyers, Posters, Band Bios, and Press Releases
* Distributing Promotional Materials by Personal Contact and Mass Marketing
* Contacting Bookers and Planners, and Landing Gigs
* Understanding How Bands are Paid
* Earning the Support of Fans
* Creating a Buzz and Maintaining Momentum