Free: Mystery pack of 10 MTG cards **color options** - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Mystery pack of 10 MTG cards **color options**

Mystery pack of 10 MTG cards **color options**
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The listing, Mystery pack of 10 MTG cards **color options** has ended.

Ten cards, hand picked from my Big Box of Cards, packed up and shipped to you for free. These will be mostly commons and/or uncommons.

Winner chooses Red, Blue, Green, or White. (Sorry, all the black cards have other homes already.) At least 7 of your 10 cards will be in your color of choice.

If you don't choose the color, I will create a mixed pack for you.

I can't any guarantee other specifics... It's called a mystery pack because it's a mystery. Free cards, free shipping, and a nice surprise when you open the pack.

I need your Listia verified shipping address and selected color within 48 hours of auction end, or I will keep credits and relist. Since you don't have to pay me shipping or anything, making timely contact after auction shouldn't be too painful.
Best of luck everyone!
Questions & Comments
Great auction, looking for some more white cards to add to a deck that I have, f&w!
Oct 18th, 2013 at 1:21:59 PM PDT by
I have some great white cards to put in a pack for you if you win. My favorite two decks to play are my white/red deck and my white/blue deck. I tend to do mostly dual color decks. Good luck to you!
Oct 18th, 2013 at 6:42:32 PM PDT by
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by chance could you give an idea of what sets this would range from?
Oct 24th, 2013 at 7:33:18 PM PDT by
As in the description, I can't give many details since it is a mystery pack. And my Big Box of Cards has quite a range. However, the winner's chosen color will dictate some of what is available, and I will try to consider preferences within reason. Again, mystery means unknown and that's part of the fun.

If it helps, I have more cards from the last 5 years, not nearly so many prior to that. Still, no guarantees on what you'd get.
I will promise you this though. If you pick white, I will not send you 15 Pacifism ;-)
Oct 24th, 2013 at 7:55:56 PM PDT by

Mystery pack of 10 MTG cards **color options** is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category